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1 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 10:14:06am

> And this hatred of Michelle….it doesn’t make any damn sense

It does. Racism.

2 mr.fusion  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 10:18:27am

re: #1 Sergey Romanov

> And this hatred of Michelle….it doesn’t make any damn sense

It does. Racism.

Can there be any other explanation? It absolutely disgusts me

3 CuriousLurker  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 10:23:34am

re: #1 Sergey Romanov

> And this hatred of Michelle….it doesn’t make any damn sense

It does. Racism.

This. Exactly. It's the naked face of racism—no dog whistles, no euphemisms or deniable metaphors, just raw, unadulterated race hate.

4 Kronocide  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 10:45:39am

I subscribe to CNS on Facebook just to get a daily dose of Derp.

Imagine Dim Hoft in charge of Fox, that's CNS News.

5 mr.fusion  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:02:07am

re: #4 BigPapa

I subscribe to CNS on Facebook just to get a daily dose of Derp.

Imagine Dim Hoft in charge of Fox, that's CNS News.

And honestly I usually just ignore sources like that. "Oh, it's just the freepers," I tell myself....but for me it's more about Matt Drudge than anything else. That website is THE source for conservatives. I really don't know the last time I saw video of Rush doing his broadcast where Drudge wasn't up on his computer....the sources he uses deserve much more scrutiny than they get. I know from time to time Charles matches up FOX news headlines with actual headlines.....I think you could do that with just about every story on Drudge only headline vs actual story.

6 The Left  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:06:46am

On the bright side, Arugula is a cool tag.

7 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:31:12am
An obvious reference to Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake comment.” Famous because of the callousness and cold heartedness displayed to her people during famine.

Apocryphal: [Link:]

8 aagcobb  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:36:04am

re: #2 mr.fusion

Can there be any other explanation? It absolutely disgusts me

Don't forget misogyny! These guys hate uppity women almost as much as they hate uppity blacks.

9 wee fury  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:38:28am

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

10 Obdicut  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:48:28am

re: #9 wee fury

That's your response to a tirade of racism against Michelle Obama?

11 CuriousLurker  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:51:05am

re: #9 wee fury

What does Palin have to do with this subject?

12 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 11:53:34am

re: #9 wee fury

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

There is well-deserved negative attitude towards Palin among all sorts of people. What did Michelle Obama ever do to anyone?

13 andres  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:11:42pm

re: #11 CuriousLurker

What does Palin have to do with this subject?


14 Charleston Chew  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:11:54pm

re: #9 wee fury

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

I'd advise against using subject-changing deflections to deny something -- because it actually doesn't deny it. Any response that doesn't start with, "No, that's not true because..." can be taken as an implied agreement.

If we show that implied agreement in parenthesis, what you really wrote was, "(Yes, the right-wing is comprised of hate-filled racist misogynists, and) the hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left".

15 Lidane  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:12:39pm

re: #12 Sergey Romanov

What did Michelle Obama ever do to anyone?

Her husband got elected POTUS. That's an unforgivable sin.


16 RadicalModerate  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:16:12pm

re: #9 wee fury

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

Okay.... I challenge you to find a statement even close to equivalent regarding Sarah Palin as I found on this article:

Note: I'm doing some mild censoring of the quote -

We have to be worried that each US N*gra like her are popping out 25 racist, vicious,hateful n*gglets each.
Black population is exploding in all Continents. God save Us from this plague.!

Tootrue4you and 5 more liked this

And for good measure, the comments picked up on the Marie Antionette angle.....

gommygoomy 8 hours ago
I am sick to death of this Bow Legged, man looking, WOOKIE, telling the rest of us, what to do. She's off, AGAIN, on another MILLION DOLLAR VACATION. Hawaii. Australia, and some other FOREIGN Country. Who takes all of these Luxury Vacations? It's not the 99%. Who racks up over $10 MILLION in Vacation Expenses, in 3 YEARS? Millionaires and Billionaires, that's who.
The Hypocrisy of this Lady Macbeth makes me long for the Guillotine. And with Her Majesty, the African Queen, lecturing the Great Unwashed on what is the Proper Food Etiquette, for Serfs? She, with her wide load in the back of her pants, and her Effeminate Marxist Husband at her side, will settle in fir their Cheese Fries, Big Macs, Kobe beef, Iranian Caviar, and the Finest Wines and Champagne.
I look forward to the sound of The Blade, as it hits bottom.

Moving to AZ...legally and 43 more liked this

17 HappyWarrior  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:21:30pm

re: #9 wee fury

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

Big difference between criticizing someone on the issues which is often done by the left on Palin than fullout hatred and calling her every slur in the book which is the case in the first lady here but you'll be a magical balance fairy yet.

18 HappyWarrior  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 12:22:56pm

It's pretty fucked up and that's being kind.

19 jaunte  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 1:07:03pm

They're following their fatuous leader:
Limbaugh: Michelle Obama has a "self-centered, arrogant, controlling character disorder" and "grandiose, dictatorial urges"

20 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 1:14:58pm

re: #2 mr.fusion

Can there be any other explanation? It absolutely disgusts me

Yes. Specifically anti-Black racism.

21 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 1:32:39pm

HA! They can't stand the fact that Michelle is so attractive and chic! This drives them crazy and i love it!

22 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 1:39:30pm

re: #8 aagcobb

Don't forget misogyny! These guys hate uppity women almost as much as they hate uppity blacks.

Yeah well, they're really not so thrilled with us uppity blk women, who don't give two cruds about all their rage and disapproval, either :D

23 elizajane  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 2:03:40pm

I'd like to suggest that the misogyny is actually more powerful than the racism and that if Hilary Clinton had won the nomination & presidency, the comments about her would have been just as bad -- they already were during the primaries, in case you've forgotten. Whereas it actually took the right a while to come up with some lines about Obama that didn't sound too obviously racist (ie., he's foreign, he's Muslim, etc.). There is no social stigma attached to even the most virulent misogyny on the right, whereas racism does have to wear a (white) cloak.

24 MittDoesNotCompute  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 2:06:09pm

re: #9 wee fury

Weak sauce...

/one of these is not like the other

25 mr.fusion  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 2:39:20pm

re: #23 elizajane

I'd like to suggest that the misogyny is actually more powerful than the racism and that if Hilary Clinton had won the nomination & presidency, the comments about her would have been just as bad -- they already were during the primaries, in case you've forgotten. Whereas it actually took the right a while to come up with some lines about Obama that didn't sound too obviously racist (ie., he's foreign, he's Muslim, etc.). There is no social stigma attached to even the most virulent misogyny on the right, whereas racism does have to wear a (white) cloak.

It's a good point. On that note I wonder how those referring to Michelle as "Moo-chelle" (yuk yuk yuk) would react to hearing the NJ Governor called Chubs Chubsy.

26 wrenchwench  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 3:15:21pm

re: #23 elizajane

I'd like to suggest that the misogyny is actually more powerful than the racism and that if Hilary Clinton had won the nomination & presidency, the comments about her would have been just as bad -- they already were during the primaries, in case you've forgotten. Whereas it actually took the right a while to come up with some lines about Obama that didn't sound too obviously racist (ie., he's foreign, he's Muslim, etc.). There is no social stigma attached to even the most virulent misogyny on the right, whereas racism does have to wear a (white) cloak.

I think misogyny is more socially acceptable (across the board, but more so on the right) but racism is more vicious and damaging. Nobody wants to murder all the women, for example, and everyone is related to some women.

That's just an opinion. Both are bad.

27 Genshed  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 3:45:00pm

Online misogyny is a vivid part of the Internet landscape. But the vitriol spewed at the current FLOTUS is even more, well, vitriolic than that spewed at Hillary Clinton, which I would previously have thought impossible.

Given the worldview of the people involved, I'm not surprised that she drives them even crazier than he does. Depressed, disgusted and other adjectives indicating distaste, but not surprised.

28 Charleston Chew  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 3:46:56pm

re: #23 elizajane

I'd like to suggest that the misogyny is actually more powerful than the racism and that if Hilary Clinton had won the nomination & presidency, the comments about her would have been just as bad -- they already were during the primaries, in case you've forgotten. Whereas it actually took the right a while to come up with some lines about Obama that didn't sound too obviously racist (ie., he's foreign, he's Muslim, etc.). There is no social stigma attached to even the most virulent misogyny on the right, whereas racism does have to wear a (white) cloak.

I'm not picking sides on the "Who has it harder?" question, but I am concerned with an minority's ability to defend themselves from the "tyranny of the majority".

Black people are only 13% of the population. Women are 51%, which puts them in a much better position to defend themselves in our society. (And is also why references to women as a "minority" really annoy me.)

29 Charleston Chew  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 3:48:52pm

re: #25 mr.fusion

It's a good point. On that note I wonder how those referring to Michelle as "Moo-chelle" (yuk yuk yuk) would react to hearing the NJ Governor called Chubs Chubsy.

Plenty people have made cracks about him being fat.

30 Lidane  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 5:51:20pm

re: #28 Charleston Chew

Women are 51%, which puts them in a much better position to defend themselves in our society. (And is also why references to women as a "minority" really annoy me.)

To be fair, women ARE a minority in certain respects. Women CEO's, women in politics, women who are millionaires, etc. are all statistical minorities.

31 SanFranciscoZionist  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 6:21:07pm

re: #1 Sergey Romanov

> And this hatred of Michelle….it doesn’t make any damn sense

It does. Racism.

More specifically, I think that the sight of a black woman as lady of the White House is triggering some deep, old-fashioned craziness. People like this have had to get used to seeing wealthy black women, black women in positions of power, black women as symbols of beauty, but Michelle is worse than that. She's a black woman acting out a high-status social role given to her by her husband's prominence, and she's in the White House, not as a servant, not even as a staffer, but as First Lady.

It's like that scene novels set in the post-war South used to have, where some well-dressed black or poor white couple show up somewhere, newly rich, and demand equal treatment. It's always played for laughs--their comical fancy clothes, and hick accents--but there's fury underneath it.

This is even worse. They have fancy degrees. He's the President. She's the First Lady. And there is NOTHING they can do about it. The Klan will not be riding to their rescue.

32 SanFranciscoZionist  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 6:23:56pm

re: #16 RadicalModerate

Okay... I challenge you to find a statement even close to equivalent regarding Sarah Palin as I found on this article:

Note: I'm doing some mild censoring of the quote -

And for good measure, the comments picked up on the Marie Antionette angle...

What the hell does Lady Macbeth have to do with the guillotine?

Is this person suggesting that Michelle urged Barack to murder John McCain?


33 SanFranciscoZionist  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 6:25:40pm

re: #29 Charleston Chew

Plenty people have made cracks about him being fat.

And I resent that, on his behalf.

34 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 6:59:34pm

re: #23 elizajane

I'd like to suggest that the misogyny is actually more powerful than the racism and that if Hilary Clinton had won the nomination & presidency, the comments about her would have been just as bad -- they already were during the primaries, in case you've forgotten. Whereas it actually took the right a while to come up with some lines about Obama that didn't sound too obviously racist (ie., he's foreign, he's Muslim, etc.). There is no social stigma attached to even the most virulent misogyny on the right, whereas racism does have to wear a (white) cloak.


Put a nonwhite woman, particularly a Latina or Black woman in the WH, see both misogyny and racism rage like you've never seen either, before. Racism and misogyny isn't an either/or, or a competition, or a zero sum game...ask someone who deals with both, head on.

35 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Tue, Nov 15, 2011 7:02:46pm

re: #31 SanFranciscoZionist

This is even worse. They have fancy degrees. He's the President. She's the First Lady. And there is NOTHING they can do about it. The Klan will not be riding to their rescue.

I'll take it one further, that they remind those people that there is no turning back to their golden days of special unearned privilege due to having light skin.

I'm just enjoying watching them try to pit the Real black against the fake one, when everyone knows both would be riding Jim Crow in their ideal world. e_e

36 Ukobserver  Wed, Nov 16, 2011 4:23:47am

I used to write for and comment on a UK website dedicated to US politics.

One of the commentators was a lady who went by the alias of An American. She would tearfully write about the disgusting (in her views) smears of Sarah Palin yet saw no trouble in repeating the viles rumours about President Obama and his wife as facts. She would criticize the first lady's cloths, hair, makeup, and even her posture while standing or walking. I would call her on it every time but she always failed to see where she was being a hypocrite.

The last straw for me (and the time l lost all respect for her and stopped trying to be civil) was when she alluded to a disgusting rumour that President Obama was actually the illegitimate son of Malcolm X who had raped his mother (she said that she had received the info in an email which someone had sent to her linked to a WorldNut Daily article)!!

I lost it big time and looking back now i'm sure that a calmer me would have been asking how him being the son of Malcolm X fitted into her worldview that President Obama was actually a Kenyan Marxist bent on revenge against white people for his Mao Mao paternal grandfather. Instead l just sent a very very annoyed reply filled with expletives and questioning her sanity.

37 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Nov 16, 2011 7:38:59am

re: #16 RadicalModerate

Eegad! Lady Macbeth, guillotine, African queen.....
This is mixed metaphor territory so virginal no human eyeball has yet set foot in it.

38 HappyWarrior  Wed, Nov 16, 2011 9:36:08am

re: #19 jaunte

They're following their fatuous leader:
Limbaugh: Michelle Obama has a "self-centered, arrogant, controlling character disorder" and "grandiose, dictatorial urges"

Sounds to me like Rush was talking about himself.

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